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      My love of nature and art history have taught me to see our planet as a canvas gilded by wondrous and spectacular life forms. This collection features my work of the Napa-Sonoma Marshes Wildlife Area with a focus on the algae and hydric formations that play a role in the ecosystem’s vitality and make this wild corner of Napa Valley a truly special place. Once used for salt production, the marshland was finally turned over to Napa County for habitat restoration and now has a flourishing ecosystem. I feel we need to recognize the contribution and value of all life forms, not just our own. Algae produce 50% of the earth’s oxygen today and hundreds of millions of years ago, paved the way for the evolution of eukaryotic organisms via their oxygen production. If it wasn’t for these “simple” organisms, life on our spectacular planet would fail to exist. Andy Warhol once said, “You need to let little things that would ordinarily bore you suddenly thrill you.” Such a concept is at the core of my vision as a nature photographer, with sincere hopes that it will transcend into an allegory for protecting our planet and those who call it home, regardless of their grandeur and perceived value in our society.

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